Sunday, September 1, 2013

My FB page.

My FB Page

If you would like to see more of my ramble - or my funny pics (I love pics!)  Check this out.

Food is not the enemy.

I need to learn this.  I'm eating so well during the day, and then screw it up by eating junk or too much of a night. 

I realised I'd been seeing food as the enemy - the cal enemy.  And it shouldn't be.  It should be food that nourishes and helps me to move - not good foods and bad foods.  Even though this weeks mindset talked about this - I went and did it anyhow :P

Ok, this is my job this week.  From now.  I'm not going to look at food in this way.  I'm going to think of what it can provide to my body.  If I want chocolate, I will have a piece - not the screw it and eat the whole row attitude.

I've learned that this giving weight away business is 80% nutrition, and 20 % exercise.  But most importantly, it is 100% mindset.  And in my case, my body will hold onto the weight when I am in a bad space mentally.

So that is damn well going to change!