Friday, June 10, 2011

Well, the first offical weigh -in

 and I have an offical weight loss of 3.2 kilos.  Woohoo!  I'm proud.  Its been hard, but I can start to tell the difference.  I am eating loads more fruit (never used to eat it!), lots of veg (need to add more) and really working with spice and vinegars to enhance food flavours.  I feel a lot better about myself as a whole to.  Proud!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Been ages. Again

But I can proudly type here that things are looking so much better.  I started a new lifestyle plan on the 1st of June.  I've had one small hiccup - but a 2.1 kilo loss.  Nice :)  Weigh in day is Fridays, so I will be back then.  I can do this.  I can save my life!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Survived indoor

hockey .... just!

OMG ... Loved it, mucho paino but extreme fun,  See you all 8pm Wed!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I've been hiding again

I'm plodding along, counting some calories (but forgetting some days, and I pay)

But, its time to get serious.   So, I'm starting indoor tomorrow night.  If you hear of a fainting player, that will be me!   I'm excited, scared and jittery all at once ...

Plus, awesome exercise, playing a sport i adore ... what more can I ask for!

Monday, January 24, 2011

is now tracking

I have been tracking my calories for the last few days, trying to plot where and when I am going with my eating.  After day 2 I have nutted out at least some


Breakfast.  Its just not optional

Fat .... too much good fat is still fat

I need to add more vegies, more protein and a few more carbs.  Eating over and way under my calories isn't good.

And tracking isn't that hard.  I am enjoying it!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ok ,,, challenge number one!


Duration: 5 weeks starting Tuesday 11 Jan
What to do: as much cardio as you can
How does it work: Allocate points per km done (run, swim, row, elliptical - 25 points, walk, cycle - 10 points) (as you can see, more points are allocated to more calorie-burning activities)
Points tally: post your total kms everyday and I will add those points on a tally sheet
Exceptions: walking around shopping doesn't count! (has to be a "planned walk", like walking the dog is ok). use to calculate your distances.
Cost: FREE
End: Winner and runner-up (prize TBA)

I hope to be able to walk/jog a 5km in March.  Wish me luck!  I am going to keep score here to keep it fair and to keep me accountable!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Yeah, didn't make the high school reunion either.

This years aim .... be healthy.  Yes, I want to loose a shedload of weight.  But I want to be healthy.  I don.'t feel healthy any more.

There is a 5km fun run in March.  I want to walk it.  Thats my aim!