Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A lot happens in a week.

You know, your 3 children all come down with a mystery illness.  Which turns out was bronchitis.  Poor bubs.  Turns out in the early stages, Bronchitis is contagious.  Ergo, mum with it as well.  So since the last time I have posted, I have walked maybe 4000 steps (in 5 days - oh the shame).  I have been quite sooky and miserable.  Thanks to those that listened to me bitch - it has been quite a ride.

Needless to say, with 4 of us down and out, none of us - well ate.   So this week's weigh in was a huge success (4.2 kilos).  That is the weight of this:

Nice!  Today, I'm really starting to feel better as well - so back to work slowly I go :) 

This weight dump has managed to throw me over the 30kg mark lost.  Nice.  Since my theme so far has been fish - who am I to disappoint ...

Yup - I have lost 32.2 kilos, and a whole mako.  Nice!

Thank you all for your support.  Hopefully tomorrows exercise will have me back and in the game again


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tired ...........

As a run down of today - run (warm up for boot camp), boot camp, walk, then walk on tready at gym, arm and abs workout, pick up kids and take to various sports, and then another walk while waiting for 2 of the said kids.

This is todays burn.  the first 0.00 is bootcamp, the second is weights (arm and abs)

Cal burn - first set is the walk while the boys were at soccer.  Second is at the gym (weights and walk).  Third is run, bootcamp and walk.  Nice burn :)

Over 20000 steps today (or 16.69 km's) moved today, and DOMs are well ... magnesium and advil ain't going to do any saving from this pain! 

And for my non-Tassie viewers - this is my sights while I walk -

I love Tassie :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hump day - and the fallout.

To start with, I want to have a bit of a "boast".  Last night I had a AGM for aths.  It traditionally is a sugar feast, and last night was no exception.  3 packets of tim tams.  My nemesis!  I managed to sit, sip on my coke zero (not ideal, but hey, the lesser of the two evils!) and not let a morsel past my lips.  I confess, I didn't have anything, as I knew that if I did start - I may not have stopped.   Damn the home made fruit cake looked divine! 

For 2 1/2 hours, I watched people eat.  And the majority was mindless eating - eating for the sake of it.  How I recognised it?  If you look in the dictionary for the definition of mindless eating, there would be a mug shot of me.  I'm not going to be able to pretend that I can resist everytime or even next time.  I'm human, I'm me.  There is every chance I will f*ck up sometimes, lets face it.  But this time - I resisted, and I am proud.

Anyhow, onto today.  After having a quick skinny latte with my family, Mum and I headed for a quick walk (440 cals).  Nice warmup for my gym today.  Today was run day, where I had to do a quick warm up, and then run - for as long as I could.

First week - 2 minutes, 2 seconds.  Today - 15.46.  OMG.  I may have only lost 100 grams this week (my sins of Mothers Day catching up with me ) but wow - I'm really pleased with that.  In all honesty, I can walk faster - but I ran and kept the rhythm.  It felt good, and now I know I can do it.  The bottom two pics - well you see, I felt on top of the world because I ran - so I figured after I finished my 40 mins on the tready, I'd push myself.  2km on the eliptical in 16.32.  Talk about burn.  I then finished off with a squat or two (or 5 groups of 20). 

PPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNN.  Magnesium supplements can only do so much Fiona!

And for those of my followers - don't forget #drinkupbuttercup!

Monday, May 13, 2013

3 litres of water, and some musings about today.

yesterday - check!

Today's workout was yesterdays L2R program.  In the end, as I wanted to get some km's in  my legs - 72 minutes on the tready, and 7.0 km walked/run.  Nice.

So far, so good with this week.  I'm not going to pretend it is easy.  It is not.   I work my arse off to be healthy- to be a happier me.

In real life, I've met a few obstacles.  People who don't quite get why I am doing this.  A person who is convinced I have got WLS to "get this far" (ROFL - and waving "hi" if you read this - I didn't).  I want to be healthier in body, and in mind.  That is why I chose this program.  I needed the mindset, the support to be me, and people to kick me back up when I fall down.  And a massive thumbs up for the new menu and it's design.  Love it!

I was also pleased to have a lovely chat with Catherine today - thanks for coming to chat :)  Hope it helped.

I'm currently sitting watching a FB group who I was involved in last time virtually implode.  I'm saddened, as I am such a fence sitter and like to see both sides of the story. Its a habit that puts me in good stead for my career, but not in this case.  I need to bite the bullet and go.

Well, of to make 'I can't believe it's not butter chicken' tonight - 320 cals of yummy goodness xx

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ah, the things that can hold you back

 First off water report.  It is 12.40pm and I'm at half way.  Drink up buttercup!

Round 2 day 1.  First hitch - sick girl child.

So, rather than declaring it a rest day, I did the toning workout from day two (easier to do at home).  Did it in 2 lots, as I was interrupted by an upset child but, not too bad for a burn at home.  Particularly a toning burn!

Meet Stubbie - he is my partner in crime when I'm exercising at home.

JFDI is the name of the game - I can do this!

Rest day - and round 2 focuses ...

Rest day today - it was lovely.  I really felt that I had 'earned' it.  I also get the importance, as the stiffness from the week has rapidly disappeared today (although that may be the magnesium suppliment :P)

I'm still strolling through the preseason goals.  I do have a weight based goal in mind, but its more of a personal goal, so will leave that aside.

I've got 3 fitness/lifestyle aims:

1/ To do a 5km in under 40 minutes.
2/ To commit to trying a new MB meal with the kids every week.
3/  To drink 3 + litres of water every day.  Every day - no exceptions.

I have yet to buy my reward for losing 25 kilos.  So, based on goal three - I need some new, decent quality water bottles/jugs.  Never say no to a good shopping trip :P

L2R starts tomorrow.  Scared yet somewhat excited.  PT session to be booked - now that is scary!  LOL

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday - push out of my comfort zone day :)

Today I jumped out of my comfort zone, and played DIV2 hockey.  I've been playing DIV3 for years - since I quit DIV1 goalie (which was 1996ish)

Anyhow, I played.  I played a full game.  I near scored a goal, and I held my own fitness wise.  I ran - and I had fun :)

And, I have some hard work that I have put in to thank.  I could run today, I could chase.  I couldn't do that - even 3 months ago.  This is why I am doing this - I want a healthier me.  And today, today was a sign, that I am getting that step closer.

Good times, good times.

We lost 8-2.  But I had fun.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Ok onto Round 2.

Well since this program is working for me, I've decided to do another round.  One could say I'm a sucker for pain :P

Anyhow, to cut a long story short, I want to blog more, and I want accountability.  I have heaps of challenges in my way (who doesn't) ....  so I'm going to blog - Fiona style.

In this round, I'm doing Learn to Run (or L2R).  This round, I'm aiming high.  I'm going to complete a 5 km in under 40 minutes.  I'm hoping to run that whole 5k.  I'm going to complete the colour run, and have a ball doing it.

So - each day I'm going to post about my exercise (and when the program starts - the food).

Day 1 (Wed 8th)

Me after popping my 10 minutes on the eliptical cherry!

Day 2 -

Working hard - gorgeous  sunset - and C25K Week one, day 2 - smashed!

Day 3-

My SSS - on a Friday - C25K Day 3 week 1 completed, weights and 10 minutes on the rowing machine to complete :)

I can do this!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Round 1 done and dusted!

Stats - 27.8 kilos lost.

That is this!

Yup - I've lost a whole fish!

In all seriousness - I've lost the weight of what my then 7 year old weighed.  No, it isn't lost, cause it isn't coming back - I've given away a whole fish!

I've also managed to give back 140cm of my body - I suppose circumference would be a good term?

All the hard work - worth it.