Saturday, February 23, 2013

Super dooper Sunday Session

Since the kids had their Aths champs yesterday - the 12WBT recommended 1000 cal burn wasn't done.  So today - made up for that :)

1760 cal burn - thank you very much!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Smashed it :)

Today's motivation - I broke the 10 kilos lost, so figured I'd burn some cals, and walk into town (and return) to buy myself some new workout gear (my old stuff is old, stretched and too damn big!)

Well, with the help of my lovely walking buddy -

Yup, we SMASHED it!  SSS on a Wednesday - don't mind if I do :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2.2 kilos lost this week ...

And the pic above - that is what I have lost (10.6 in total) since I started this "journey".  I'm so impressed - I normally falter, and stack it back on way more.  I'm not going to this time. 

Off for a walk into town - and I need to buy some new trackpants - these ones fall down!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 1 round up.

Well - what a week!  My husband has been away, so it was full on kid wrangling, plus fitting in exercise.

I'm proud to say, it was a good week.  My ankle that has been a little funny since last week played up again, but walking doesn't see to effect it too badly.  Yay!  My shins have been giving me merry hell (same leg as the ankle) so I did take 2 rest days.  Not ideal, but it had to be done.

The recipes that are in the meal plan - so far, just divine.  Dippy eggs (as they are now known in our house) are a massive hit -  as was the pizza.  The only thing that was disliked was the fish and chickpeas.

Weight loss - 2.2 down this week - making 8.5 in total (on WIW - known as Weigh in Wednesday).  A sneaky weigh in today, shows a 2 kilo loss again.  Will this happen on WIW next week?  Who knows.  Makes me feel good about this week so far though :P

Overall - am loving it.  Loving it!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Preseason over.

Menu and exercise plans out.  All starts on Monday.

Tomorrow, I step out of my comfort zone, and have my daughter take the 'before' pics.  Wish me luck.

This week food wise I haven't been great.  I've had a few beverages, and I've stressed myself.

But, I've exercised.  I've jumped way out of my comfort zone and swam 2.2km, and managed to stumble through 25 minutes of a cardio shred workout.  And you know what - I'm thrilled.  It was a tough week, I've got through it and am stronger at the other end. 

A bad day happens.  Tomorrow is another day.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Its getting closer to the end of pre-season

and the start of the 12 weeks.  I am pretty pleased overall about how I have been going.

Food wise, nothing has really thrown me.  I did fit a glass of wine and two beers into my calories over the period.   I was going to completely abstain, but this is a lifestyle not a diet - I need to learn how to fit all sorts of things into my lifestyle, otherwise it won't work for me.

Very exciting post arrived here today.  First my heart rate monitor (HRM - Polar FT60 was the end decision) and my fit-bit zip.  So far so good.  The fit bit has encouraged me to do some more incidental exercise already (I got it at 2.30pm, and squeezed an extra 2000 steps into my day - nice!)

I'm looking forward to exercising tomorrow with them, and seeing how I go :)