Friday, May 10, 2013

Ok onto Round 2.

Well since this program is working for me, I've decided to do another round.  One could say I'm a sucker for pain :P

Anyhow, to cut a long story short, I want to blog more, and I want accountability.  I have heaps of challenges in my way (who doesn't) ....  so I'm going to blog - Fiona style.

In this round, I'm doing Learn to Run (or L2R).  This round, I'm aiming high.  I'm going to complete a 5 km in under 40 minutes.  I'm hoping to run that whole 5k.  I'm going to complete the colour run, and have a ball doing it.

So - each day I'm going to post about my exercise (and when the program starts - the food).

Day 1 (Wed 8th)

Me after popping my 10 minutes on the eliptical cherry!

Day 2 -

Working hard - gorgeous  sunset - and C25K Week one, day 2 - smashed!

Day 3-

My SSS - on a Friday - C25K Day 3 week 1 completed, weights and 10 minutes on the rowing machine to complete :)

I can do this!

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